Category Archives: Career girl


The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.

                                                                   –  G.K.Chesterton 

Day 5    Shimla to Manali road trip

 Through the winding roads that are coiled around the mountains like snake we travel 265Km to reach Manali. The best thing about making the journey in car is that you can pull over as many times you want to and not miss anything on the way.

Following along the river Beas we reach manali at nightfall. Checked into Hotel Beas near the Manali Mall. 

Day 6 Manali City Tour

The next day we started out for the city tour, few temples, forest  and the Malani mall.

I found some beautiful place to get lost.I literally fell in love with this forest. The gigantic deodars reaching up to meet the sky. and blocking out the sun. Theses ancient forest will transport you to through time, where the concrete jungle has not spreads it’s roots .


Day 7  Rotang Pass and Solang Valley


We started early from our hotel to Rotang. Rotang means pile of corpses named so due to people dying in bad weather trying to cross the pass. Not very encouraging is it.

It was cold but we did not find much snow, rather we trekked though the barren lands and explored the terrain. This was the first time I have climbed an altitude of  13500ft, never been so high up before.

Rotang pass  connects kullu valley with  lahaul and spiti Valley  that leads to picturesque leh. An adventure for another time.


What really pissed me off was the plastic littering the valley , inspite of guards handing over bags at the check points to  bring back the trash. The landscape was dotted with empty plastic bottles and snacks packets which were too heavy for the owners to carry back to vehicle.


Solang valley was a feast to the eyes and the crisp mountains air was very refreshing.Trees of every colour dotted the valley from one end to the other. 

Paragliding and ropeway were quite popular among the tourist.

Day 8 Kasol , Manikaran


kasol the land of hippies and hot spring and the enchanting parvati valley.

The name manikaran  was derived from the legend of Shiva and Parvati.  Both the hindu and sikh have claimed the location as holly. The guruduara built near the hot spring has bathing facilities for the travelers.

The food for the langhar at guruduara  was cooked on the boiling waters of the hot spring at the Shiva temple. Rice ans lentils were boiled on the waters as hot as 98 degree C.  

Day 9 Kullu and Nagar


Roerich Museum sat upon the hill and caught the interest of  few travelers. It’s worth a visit if you are interested in history and culture. Away from the  city crowds and popular destination that are buzzing with tourist.


Nicholas Roerich  mainly known for his beautiful paintings and his long expedition to Tibet was a man of many talents and mysteries.

To be continued….


“Traveling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.”

                                                              – Ibn Battua 

I did more this November than the whole dame year. Hell of a way to catch up to life after a setback. 

The grand family tour of 2016 – 

Day 1 From Kolkata to Delhi via Rajdhani Express. Boarding time – 5:00pm


Day 2  Arrival – 11:00 am  Delhi night stay at relative’s place.

Day 3 Delhi to Kalka via Shatabdi Express and then to Shimla via the Himalaysn queen



The sights on the way to shimla via the Himalayan Queen( Kalka- shimla Toy Train) are simply stunning.In the year 2008 Kalka–Shimla Railway became part of the World Heritage Site Mountain Railways of India  alongside Darjeeling Himalayan Railway , Nilgiri Mountain Railway and Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus


When the train stopped at Koti ( not an official halt) almost everyone was down enjoying the view. Originally 107 tunnels were built on Kalka Shimla Railway Track while today only 103 tunnels are operational. 


The schedule halt at Barog comes right after the train passes through the longest tunnel which is 1143.61m long. Barog tunnel is the straightest tunnel in the World .The little station named after colonel Barog has an interesting story behind it. 

Barog  commenced digging the tunnel from both sides of the mountain, to speed up construction. However, he made mistakes in his calculation and while constructing the tunnel, the two ends of the tunnel did not meet. Barog was fined an amount of 1 Rupee by the British government. Unable to withstand the humiliation, Barog committed suicide and was buried near the incomplete tunnel. The area came to be known as Barog after him.

Day 4 – Kufri, Shimal mall.


Grand hotel is located  close to the Shimla Mall. The mall road is dotted with several cafes including the India Coffee House and several other amazing places. 

We Started for Kufri a view point near shimla in the morning. Horse ride is the only way to reach the view point.


Tourism is highly commercialized in Himachal Pradesh and the steady stream of tourist has driven up the prices. The beauty of Kufri was dimmed by the number of people trying to make money from horse rides, telescope view of peaks, photos with yak (which are specifically brought to Shimla for commercial purpose only) and surprisingly  even apple orchard. Apple trees and private orchards are common sight in Shimla.


The Shimla skyline from scandal Point, lit up like a thousands stars on the hills. Perfect place to spend the evening. 


Take refuge in the shops and eateries when the temperatures drops and winds gets too harsh


To be continued … 


My morning routine


Good morning …. 

Nothing says good morning  better than a cup of coffee.Waking up early in the morning gives you ample time to set up a morning routine and invest on yourself.  

I am die-hard coffee lover but after learning what coffee does to the body when ingested on empty stomach and experiencing the same I switched to  Lemon water.

Lemon water 

 After relying on coffee to get me through the day during my college and first job experience, I suffered the ill effects of drinking too much caffeine. 

Lemon water boosts you immune system, aids digestion, flush out toxins from your body by enhancing enzyme function & stimulating your liver, boosts your energy and helps you lose weight.  I need to get my daily coffee fix after breakfast.

Get moving

Exercising daily has tons of benefit. Healthy body and mind is essential to your success. Set up a morning workout routine to maximize your potential for the rest of the day. Yoga is great for boosting your energy in the morning , centering your mind and body. Cardio is another great option to jumpstart your morning.

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Well showering after a good work out is always refreshing and good way to make sure you don’t crawl back into the bed again. Taking a shower and getting dressed up certainly puts me in the mood to work.  


 Surfing through blogs and  vision board and chasing happiness . This is a great way to be inspired daily and remind yourself how far you have come and where you are going. Quite often we find ourselves in a creativity rut, running low on motivation. Get inspired daily as motivations does not last forever. 

 Setting daily goals 

Wring it down what I wish to achieve each day.Another new and creative way to visualize your goals is to draw them. It might seem mundane to  write down you goals everyday. Write down the answer to the question  “what will you achieve today?”.  It can be  “Craft email signature” or as simple as “sending out thank you note” or “grocery shopping”. Writing down help you to remember your goals and execute them. 

Plan a healthy breakfast 

Start the day with something healthy to keep the cravings at bay.Apart form that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, anyone aspired to loose weight will need to focus on having a balanced breakfast. That certainly does excuse a sunday morning when pasta can be breakfast too.

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Getting ready for work or college involves surfing through your wardrobe in search of a suitable outfit everyday. Get your wardrobe in order and organise it into capsules to make the process easier. My wardrobe is built on the 5 piece french wardrobe philosophy and curated often to suite my needs. 


A sunday morning

A sunday morning at home ..

Being lazy is a something our generation does the best. Sometimes we need to de- stress and unwind by doing nothing .

Laziness is enemy to your dreams your health and it is a deadly habit, but once in a while we all allowed to be lazy and do nothing in particular but the things that make us happy . \

As per my morning routine I always start the day with lemon water instead of much loved coffee.


For me it  will be a nice break-fast, pasta with chicken and herbs. Mid morning coffee is must and a book that will not end.

Spending quality time with one of my favorite companion is must.

Spending some time with my pet …..

How do you spend your sunday ?




Manage Your Money With the 50-20-30 Rule

Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship.
                                                                                                                                                       – Benjamin Franklin

Success is managing you money like a pro. Leaving pay check to pay check is quite common scenario for most twenty- something. Forever waiting for the next paycheck to arrive. Budgeting and saving seems rather impossible when you in such situations. 

Every career girl  needs to manage her money and built up her saving for the opportunities that may arrive unexpectedly. This is one of the most simple and functional rule that I follow. It has changed the way I save and it is quite practical and simple. The 50 – 20 -30 rule is about allotting 50% of your money towards your needs – 20% towards  your savings – 30% towards your wants. 


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50%“Your needs”

Your rent, monthly transportation cost, groceries and other utilities that are required every month would be included under your needs. 50% of your budget goes into fulfilling your monthly necessities which are mandatory.


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20% “Your savings”

Savings are very important you never know when you might need extra money. Planing and early retirement or an investment.Every month put aside 20% of your paycheck in a separate savings account save yourself from temptation. Put the money out of sight and out of mind. At the end of the year you will be surprised  how much you were able to save with out much guilt and sacrifices. A little discipline with regards to money and budgeting goes a long way. 


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30% “Your wants”

I understand the list of wants is always full and we never run out of wants.This way you will be aware of spending 30% of your pay check on your wants. It can be spent on the dress you were eyeing for few days, clubbing, hobbies, or spa. But for the big trip you are planning that need a extra boost in budget simple twerk the rule a bit.
Instead of saving 20% save 30% and vice versa. You will have the extra money you need with out much compromise. Yes, it will require certain sacrifices but nothing good ever came easy.

Walk walk walk

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. 
                                                                                                   – Fredrich Nietzsche 

Our generation focuses on getting things done with minimum movement, with the help of technology we have managed to achieve such efficiency. Moving around is not a necessity, remote control, electric appliances, e-commerce, online shopping had made our lives easier. We spend an insane amount of time sitting and that is killing us.

Dr. James Levine, who coined the new term ‘sitting is the new smoking’ believes that  “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.”

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According to “Fast Stats” 20.5% of teens aged 12-19 falls into category of significant high obesity levels .  

How can we change that?  Here are some interactive methods to help you walk more.

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#Walk home after work  

Small change goes a long way to make really big difference. Make little changes in your schedule instead a one big change. Take the stairs or walk a few blocks to avail public transport instead of Ola . 

 #walking help to think and brain storm

 Schedule short walk breaks thought out the day to get your brain in gear and burn few calories. Walk while you are on phone.

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# Banish the afternoon slump

Invest in a standing desk to reduce the amount of time you spend siting. Or upgrade your desk at the office. Moving around needs less motivation when you are already on your feet.  

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  # Walk with a group 

Group activities are great way to motivate each other

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#Walk around the city

The street can be very inspiring. Grab some friends or coworker to join you in the city expedition.  

# Keep the pedometer app on 
The app that you love so much are gonna help you count your step. Set goal and tweet your accomplishments.May be it will get other moving.
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#Walk your pet
A dog will definitely get you moving if nothing else does.  Dog walking, dog sitting, dog park visits ….  something to add to you morning ritual.
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# Treaking
Free your inner adventurer go for a long walk and explore unknown places. Once walking becomes a habit you will love pushing boundaries to see your limits. 

A bit more successful each day

Success is work in progress and we need to work on it every single day. It’s ok to be twenty-something and still not know what to do with your life, remember success does not come over night. Little changes everyday makes huge difference in the long run. Here are the list of things that successful women do every single day.

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 Tick Tock 
Punctuality is a habit, that need to be practiced everyday. Job interview, lunch date with a friend, an important meeting with business associate, being on time shows respect and presission.Most people who are never on time, never get any work done on time either. 
Time management is important skill that will aid you in other areas of your life too.
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Be Kind

Golden rules of happiness  heavily emphasise on being kind and supporting others. Remember collaboration is the new competition. You don’t need to push someone down to rise up. 
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It’s absolutely ok if you are not perfect making friends is not difficult.Socialising with other people at work can help you beat stress and inspire you. Life changing opportunity may come through the people in your network. You never know when those the important connections you made 
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 Health is wealth 

I love to wake up and stretch , to start my morning with a blast. Taking care of your body is first and foremost if you want to be productive. Healthy body is imperative for a healthy mind. You need to craft a morning routine and focus on your health. 

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De clutter 

Clutter is distracting and not so creative. Clean and organised work studio will make your work so much easier. 

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Keep learning

 Successful women are always learing new skills and keeping up with the fast changing  work no hardship to take online classes to develop a new skill like coding or negotiation.Keep up with the new trends in the industry and top skills. Check out the 5 books that taught us to be badass.  


All you need to know about coffee.

For some of us mornings are synonymus with coffee. A strong cup of java is often an intergral part of  morning routine  that gives you the boost of precious energy to take on the world.

 It’s hard to get through a  whole day without siping our favorite coffee, but how much do you know about the coffee that you so covet ?

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#1 The effect of caffeine kicks in 15-20 minutes after you ingest coffee
The effects of caffeine can last between 8-14 hours after it hits. but keep in mind that after three hours you are at risk of the dreaded coffee crash.

#2 The effects of Coffee is stronger if you are on the pill
I can’t decide whether it is a good thing or not.The coffee will hit you harder and all the effects of coffee will be amplified including coffee crash.

#3 Not all coffees contain the same amount of caffeine
The amount of caffeine in your coffee can vary depending on the fact whether you brewed the coffee yourself , reached for instant coffee or grabbed a caramel latte from you local coffee shop. For instance Starbucks has double the amount of caffeine than a McDonald’s coffee, little surprise there. 

#4 Decaf doesn’t mean no caffeine

Decaf simple contains less caffeine than regular coffee. It is not possible to completely  remove all traces caffeine from coffee.

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#5 Coffee contains more caffeine than most energy drinks
Your  morning cup of coffee contains more caffeine that most energy drinks. Considering the effects of caffeine it is wise to keep track of your consumption.

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#6 Caffeine is pro workout
A shot of caffeine before hitting the gym may help you to achieve more from you workout.  Several studies show that  caffeine ingestion was able to increase anaerobic performance and muscle endurance, and pre-workout caffeine increased maximum muscular strength on bench press and leg press when compared to placebo . Well it’s worth giving a try if you don’t find the gym very inspiring.

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#7 Coffee has more flavors than wine ( this one was quite surprising )
With over 300 taste notes coffee tops wine which has around 250 flavours. And all this time you thought wine has more alibi.

#8  100 cups of coffee can actually kill you
This is a serious fact to consider. Giving up coffee is not easy ( for some one who have been dependent on coffee for a long time) but not impossible either. Coffee contains caffeine     (the most commonly used psycho active drug) and as with all types of drug, coffee withdrawal is very real. There are several healthy alternative to coffee that you might consider. Why you should consider switching to lemon water instead of coffee in the morning.


Why you need to Craft a morning routine

Successful people swears by following a morning routine crafted to fit their needs.Be it working out, checking emails, catching up with the NEWS, or meditation. A great morning routine paves the way to a productive day. It the foundation upon which you build your masterpiece.

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Every mourning is your time to start fresh. 

When the morning goes right, it gives the rest of your day momentum and sence of normalcy. Crafting a morning routine ensure that you wake up everyday knowing what you are going to do next. It requires are measure of discipline and determination to carry out the routine. 

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 Me time

We are often too tired at night to schedule in a me time.The morning routine is your “me time” a brand new way to put yourself first and invest on yourself. Morning is best time to work on your personal project , a hobby or writing. Do something in the morning that makes you happy and when you do this you will be happier throughout the day.

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Get your daily dose of inspiration in the morning. One of the best way to start the day is to be inspired in the morning. 

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Set up a morning workout routine to maximize your potential for the rest of the day. Yoga is great for boosting your energy in the morning , centering your mind and body. Cardio is another great option to jumpstart your morning.

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Focus on you health and start your day with a healthy break-fast. A health breakfast will keep the craving at bay. Why you should consider switching to lemon water instead of coffee in the morning for more healthy benefits.

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Increased productivity

Waking up early in the morning means more time to work on your goals and chance to achieve more. 

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 Achieve your goals

 It might seem mundane to  write down you goals everyday. Write down the answer to the question  “what will you achieve today?”.  It can be  “Craft email signature” or as simple as “sending out thank you note” or “grocery shopping”. Writing down help you to remember your goals and execute them. 



How do I wear Midi skirt ?


The midi skirt was the beginning of a fashion evolution, that was evident in the rising hem lines in 1900. Love it or hate it, the midi is a classic piece that deserve it’s won chapter in the books of fashion evolution. 

When the midi first appeared it caused quite an uproar and lead to political and aesthetic revolution in womenswear. The midi skirt is a tricky silhouette to pull off. While it can be very flattering if paired with the right shoes and hem line, it can be a disaster if the length of the skirt doesn’t hit the right place bellow your knee.


This fashion trend favours tall and slim silhouette. The degree of difficulty  for this trend is pretty high so you will get a lot of fashion point to pull this one off.The lady like midi is now more sophisticated, streetwise , in tweeds and tartans. 

 There is a reason the midi skirt keeps bouncing back in fashion, it has been all over the catwalk for several season. The skirt is office appropriate and  flattering for all ages. They come in several print and material from edgy to floral and from casual boho to office appropriate pencil skirt. 

Split midi skirt are perfect office wear. The floral one looks great and can add some colour and life to the boring office wear.

Though it is better to opt for heels to pair with midi, they look dashing with ballet flats too.

The skirt that never goes out of style  makes for great two piece. These are easy to pull off. The midriff barring trend is modern and sleek. The midi paired with cropped top gives a casual vibe.

For the daring and the brave asymmetrical hem and geometrical prints. Another playful twist to the classic midi with asymmetrical hem lines and shear panel.

 The midi mostly regarded as formal skirt can be flirty and fun. In dark colour and myriads of prints the midi is for all occasion.

Jewel-toned satins midi paired with tall boots and turtlenecks, perhaps with a sliver of skin showing at the waist would get the temperatures high in winter.

 They are appropriate for winters too. I love the voluminous skirts paired with knits and plums. Yes, midi is definitely of those trend that you can wear all through the year in every season.
